Physical Laws Reexplained

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A body at rest tends to stay at rest… A body in a ravine tends to get poked by kids with a stick.

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A body in motion tends to stay in motion until its bladder is full it has to pull over.

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The universe tends towards disorder. In other words: auT odrs wot hed wiso ne drvnd ss se r e s.

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Energy can neither be created nor destroyed… which does not leave it many options

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Your mass increases as you approach the speed of light or an Arby’s.

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What goes up must hit a ceiling fan.

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As temperature increases, so does volume… especially the volume on your neighbor’s car stereo…

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The force of gravity is directly proportional to the value of whatever glassware you just dropped.

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Time slows when you approach a large mass or anyone who likes to talk about Ayn Rand.

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For every action there is an equal and opposite intent for the outcome of that action.

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