Fun Facts About Vasectomies


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A vasectomy will not affect your sexual performance; however, thinking about your vasectomy will kill the mood REAL quick…

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According to medical professionals, there is no pain after a vasectomy. There might be discomfort, which is doctor-speak for crippling acute pain.

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Reversing a vasectomy has a forty to ninety percent success rate, depending upon how good the previous surgeon was at tying knots.

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Complications from a vasectomy are as rare as they are disturbingly grotesque.

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Vasectomies are ninety-nine percent effective in preventing pregnancies… so, only one percent less effective than strict homosexuality.

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Vasectomies remove the worries of unwanted pregnancy and allow the male to feel free to have frequent sex and contract as many venereal diseases as are out there.

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After a vasectomy, semen production is the same so you should keep washing your sheets just as frequently as before.

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Over five hundred thousand American men get vasectomies each year. If it continues at this rate, in only ten years, most urologists will be able to afford swimming pools.

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World vasectomy day is celebrated in November with pinata events that are really hard to watch.

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A vasectomy patient will have to provide a semen sample several months after the procedure, hopefully, just to his doctor…

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