I Go Dark: Thoughts on Euthanasia

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Fatalists have no problem with euthanasia because, if you are euthanized, that is when you were slated to die anyway… unless you weren’t, then you can’t… it’s really quite simple… total acceptance of everything that is happening to people who aren’t you.

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If you are Catholic, euthanasia is considered suicide and a deadly sin… so, for appearances sake, you might want to struggle a little when it is time to put the needle in.

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Dogs are man’s best friend so we euthanize them a lot.  Sometimes because they are very sick, sometimes because they chewed up a nice leather couch.  The main reason scientists don’t try to figure out the intricate canine language is because we really don’t want their input on it.

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We also euthanize criminals who have committed acts so heinous that we cannot live with themselves.

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Euthanasia is sometimes referred to as “assisted suicide”; whereas, murder is sometimes referred to as “involuntary assisted suicide”…

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If you opt for euthanasia, make sure your doctor is well-read on the most recent techniques and has access to the newest drugs.  Because, if he’s just going to use an axe or a hammer, you can get your wife or kids to do that and save thousands of dollars.

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If your euthanasia doctor sterilizes his needle before putting it into your arm, that is a good sign that he isn’t sure of himself.

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Euthanasia will become legal in Maine in the year 2020 because it’s only a little worse than living there.

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Texas has a law that allows a child to be “passively euthanized” over the objections of parents if doctors can confirm that the child cannot be saved and is not white.

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Dr. Jack Kavorkian was convicted of second degree murder for helping someone euthanize himself.  It was determined that some of the people he’d helped kill themselves weren’t even in pain and one just wanted to die because she’d failed to tape the last episode of Newhart. Kavorkian is paroled in 2007, on the condition that he not kill anyone… pretty much the same thing they ask of all parolees…

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24 thoughts on “I Go Dark: Thoughts on Euthanasia

  1. deadly sin was a nice one, and so was sterilized needle.
    Doesnt euthanasia go against the doctors’ ethics of saving lives?
    Will insurance company pay for the cost of euthanasia?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The ethical side of this practice are open to debate, apparently. There are entire nations that allow for euthanasia.

      You’d THINK the insurance companies would pay for the cost because it really helps THEIR bottom line…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I posted this site on a link site that has comments and, believe me, I’m getting it from all sides on my Maine comment. Actually, yours has been the nicest comment so far…


  2. “If you are Catholic, euthanasia is considered suicide and a deadly sin… so, for appearances sake, you might want to struggle a little when it is time to put the needle in.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you very much for this interesting post! I really enjoyed reading your perspective and learning from your understanding! I have recently published an article on my blog about my opinion on euthanasia and whether it should be legal. If you have time, it would be great if you could check out my article as I would be really interested to hear your thoughts! Thanks 🙂


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