I Refuse to Work Hard on this List for Sloth

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I am the worst sinner of all… and I do it SLOOOOWLY

When people started trying to avoid sinning by staying in bed all day and doing nothing, sloth was added to the deadly sins in a technique known as “damning on the curve”.

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At monasteries of all religions, idleness is frowned upon.  Fortunately, that doesn’t deter really lazy people because they seldom expend the energy to look up and see the frown.

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An idle mind is the devil’s workshop; so, to avoid mass murdering or torturing people, for God’s sake, do a crossword puzzle.

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If you stay busy, your day goes by quicker and your life goes by quicker.  Stay idle and bored and every minute is an eternity, making you practically immortal.

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Despite their name and habits, sloths are always in a hurry and nearly always late.  That is why most sloths die of stress… although not nearly as quickly as they’d like…

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How do you know when a little laziness becomes full-blown sloth?  For me, it was the bedsores…

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Sloth was not assigned to any circle of Hell in Dante’s Inferno because, at the time of writing, Dante “just didn’t feel like doing it”…

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When a lazy person finally dies, it’s what he’s been practicing for his entire life…

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The only way for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing… or if the evil invent some sort of death ray that threatens mankind from a satellite… but that goes without saying…

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In a way, sloth is the most dangerous of the deadly sins because it forces us to keep from avoiding the acceptance that the other deadly sins are inevitable.

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A man who works hard six days a week and stays out of trouble is the kind of man you want to sell a used couch to…

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If you put enough effort into avoiding work it no longer counts as sloth…

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18 thoughts on “I Refuse to Work Hard on this List for Sloth

  1. “Sloth was not assigned to any circle of Hell in Dante’s Inferno because, at the time of writing, Dante “just didn’t feel like doing it”…” and “When a lazy person finally dies, it’s what he’s been practicing for his entire life…” were my favorites 🙂 Made me think of this line in a song “You wasted life why wouldn’t you waste the afterlife?” Although definitely not as funny as your list! Fun to read 🙂

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