Some Burning Facts about our Sun

NASA Is Still Trying to Figure Out the Sun - The Atlantic

Over one million Earths could fit inside the Sun; however, after the first Earth burned up, the other 999,999 Earths would probably avoid trying to do that.

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It takes eight minutes for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth, so none of the light we get is every really fresh.

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The temperature of the Sun can reach 15 million degrees Celsius; but, good news: It’s a dry heat.

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The Sun is classified as a yellow dwarf. Yes… dwarves CAN get jaundice but I’m too classy to make a joke about it.

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The Sun accounts for 99.8 percent of the mass in the solar system. Much of the rest of that weight is dirt, rocks, hydrogen and Godzilla.

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In a five billion years, the Sun will expand to a red giant and turn the Earth into a cinder…. so don’t make any long term plans…

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The Sun’s surface area is twelve thousand times that of Earth, so if you are one of two people tasked with painting them, volunteer to paint the Earth before anyone else does.

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The Sun is at the middle aeons of its life and you know what that means: Hair plugs, steroids and a hot stripper girlfriend.

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It takes millions of years for light (a photon) to get to the surface of the Sun. Astrophysicists theorize that it takes that long because one part of the inside of the Sun looks like any other, so it is easy to get lost.

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Solar winds cause the tails of comets to form, which is good because, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to tell them from stinking asteroids…

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22 thoughts on “Some Burning Facts about our Sun

      1. I’ve met two strippers. One was pretty normal. She didn’t look normal. She looked “wow!”, but she seemed pretty together.

        The other was crazier than a bag of snakes…

        Liked by 1 person

  1. The one tattoo I have is of that sun you have there. I feel ashamed now – I didn’t know it was going to destroy the earth in five billion years. The sun tricked me! What a jerk!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I was the 16 pretending to be 18 year old sitting in the chair and asked for it on my stomach NEVER THINKING that one day I would get pregnant. It’s very unique looking now. Soooo…..have fun with that!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That got a laugh out of me, just remembering what pregnancy did to my ex’s stomach…

        Suffice it to say your Sun tattoo’s size eventually eclipsed that of the real Sun? Yeah… I said “eclipsed”…


  2. Some physicists now think our sun was originally part of a binary system, but it’s partner got ripped away at some point in the past leaving the Sun to look after all the planets on it’s own. Because of that I now think of the Sun as a solo mum.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. …and over a million suns can fit into the black hole at the center of our solar system. I didn’t know the sun was 99/99% of the mass of our solar system, so that’s a new one. That’s sounds HUGE, but it’s not…our sun is “small” comparatively speaking, so there’s plenty of room to grow…and it takes a million years for those protons to escape because the density and gravity is so great the have to work their way out…like a tube of toothpaste that frozen…

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